Vaccinations, What’s the Truth?

44,600,000 sites dedicated to vaccine information, both good and bad, in google search alone.   Can not help but ask the question,  “if vaccinations are so great, why are there so many sites saying they are not?”  .  What was surprising is that these sites include some government sites.

      Okay let’s start with some information that will hopefully get your attention and peak your interest to do your own due diligence research.
      First, when did immunizations become vaccinations, and is there any difference in what they are labelled?   Lets take a look at the definitions, in there brief meaning.  Immunization –  The process of inducing immunity, usually through inoculation or vaccination.
Vaccination –  The act or practice of vaccinating; inoculation with vaccine.   Notice that vaccination makes no mention of inducing immunity, this is not surprising as the research found no mention of this either.
      It seems that today’s vaccinations are intended to help promote the bodies ability to fight off disease instead of bringing about immunity.  This suggests the reason for the name changing to vaccinations.  It also suggest the reason that it is now called a shot record instead of Immunization record.
     Lets ask some more questions.  Are the parents Immunity’s not passed on to their children?   Did or didn’t science prove that part of the reason we are attracted to certain of the opposite gender is due to their having immunity’s that we do not?  If our combined immunity’s are passed on to our children then why do they need the same vaccinations/immunizations we already received?  Just a few questions for you to think about.
      Time to provide some small part of the research available to anyone and everyone who wants to discover the truth about vaccinations.  Links will also be provided for you to start your own research.  Doing your own research is the best way to prove to yourself that vaccinations are not all that you are led to believe they are.
      Lets start with a statement released by William Thompson, PHD, on Aug 27, 2014, in regards to an 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics.  Follow this Link to read it yourself.
 ” I am a senior scientist with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), where I have worked since 1998.  I regret my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in the 2004 article published in 2004 journal Pediatrics.  The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
      Statement by Dr J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and research virologist, US FDA. “There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunizations of children does more harm than good.”  Follow this Link to read this unbelievable article.
      The following was published in the journal – Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences.  “Children who are vaccinated for Whooping Cough actually suffer from decreased immunity and are more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection than their unvaccinated peers.  Vaccinated children in essence are the carriers of disease when it comes to all these Whooping cough outbreaks, infecting other mostly vaccinated children and putting massive strain on local healthcare resources.  Unvaccinated children remain largely healthy during these outbreaks, as their immune systems have not been crippled by exposure to artificial vaccine antigens.  Follow this Link to find information on virtually all vaccines, but be prepared for the possibility of days of reading.
      This has been published in  follow the link for even more information.   “Even when estimates of symptomatic secondary immune response (e.g.; secondary vaccine failed) were taken into account, susceptibility to subclinical secondary immune response was still 5-8 times higher after vaccination than after natural infection.
      From the site; , lot of great information on this site.  “There is only one recent study (Cowling 2012) where a true saline placebo was used, rather than another vaccine or the carrier fluid containing everything except the main antigen.  That study showed no difference in influenza viral infection between groups, but astonishingly it revealed a 5-6 times higher rate of non-influenza viral infections in the vaccinated. 
      Think it’s appropriate to include this from the Cowling 2012 study.  Follow the link for additional information.  “Our experimental study provides evidence consistent with temporary non-specific immunity against other respiratory viruses following influenza virus infection, a phenomenon that could explain the epidemiologic dynamics of respiratory virus epidemics described in ecologic studies.
      Next, a mothers incredible story and journey to discover the facts about vaccinations.  At you can learn about the many toxic ingredients contained in all vaccines.  You can follow her links and or read about the effects of many of the toxins right on her site.   Giving this mother a ton of respect for all the hard work that has gone into the site.
       The two most surprising toxins contained in many vaccines are Aluminum in its many forms and Mercury in its many forms.  How can any person of ethical standards of any kind support these two toxins being injected into anyone, but children that is just down right evil.
      Here is a small example of what you can find on her site.  Aluminum is a known neural toxin, (Brain Damage), and Mercury is the second most dangerous metal on the face of the planet. Mercury was ruled to be unsafe in any amounts in the human body decades ago,
      How is it now okay to use in vaccines, and do not let them tell you it is safe in small amounts, it is not, especially in infants and small children when it has its best chance to bond with their DNA, thereby making it impossible to rid the body of it.  Think of what the long term effects might be of this madness. Remember there are no long term studies, so it is anyone’s guess at this time, what those effects might be.
      Just a couple more quick thoughts to consider.  According to the CDC – report 2011, a total of 38 vaccines will have been received by all infants by the age of 18 months.  There are at least 22 Medical studies that show vaccines can cause Autism.
     Hope that this information has encouraged you to take action of your own, do the research, then take action to stop this madness.  Join a movement, or start one of your own locally.  It is up to each of us to make the changes needed to improve our world for all of us.  The future belongs to our children, help them have a better future than what they are currently getting.
     This is a condensed version from the research that has been accomplihd.  So to help you out, here are the other sites used for research;,,,,,  Remember there are millions of other sites that you can use to do your own research also.  The important thing is to do the research so you can – Learn It, Know It,  Live It.

Rules and Tactics of the Game

The rules may change, but the tactics remain the same.  All types of governments have rose and fell, over the centuries.  Yet, every time one rises, the masses of people still fall for the same tactics.
The two main tactics used are Distraction and misguidance.  Distraction is the easiest to use, just because it has so many ways to be used.  Misguidance takes longer, but over time people will come to believe what they are told to believe.
The first and most used distraction is to create enemies and start wars.  It is one that people will accept the quickest and give up family to die for.  After all if they do not think like we do they are and enemy, and we have to keep everyone safe from enemies.
The second and easiest distraction to use is different types of competition.  This is also a form of divide and conquer.  After all that is what real competition is all about.  Coming out on top, being the winners.  In the past some of the most effective competition distraction was found in coliseums, today they are found in stadiums.  Another very effective one is religion, and it’s used most effectively by all types of religions.  After all your religion is the only religion that is right.

If you take a close look at what is going on all around the world within governments/religions/teams, you see it proves that the tactics are working better than ever.  Look at how many wars are going on.  Look at how many games are being played, from football to tennis and all the others in between.  Look at all the different religions competing for souls.  Take a look at all the different elections going on.  Take a look at all the division going on by having different party lines competing for the votes.

How anyone can promote all this, is beyond reasonable, it is beyond belief!
Why are so many of you willing to let yourselves be led around like this?  Why are so many of you unwilling to question anything that could actually help make a difference? Why are so many of you willing to accept your enslavement instead of standing up and demanding your freedom?

Now, lets look at this country, the United States, at this last Presidential election.  Why is it that so many of you can not see and understand what is happening.  Do you not see and understand that the biggest division of people ever is being promoted?  Do you not see and understand that it is heading to a “us versus them” situation?  Do you not see and understand that this country has become a bomb with the fuse burning?  Do you not see and understand that if all of us do not take action and put a stop to this, then this country is in for it?

No, I am not saying we need or have to start a civil war, where 100’s or 1000’s could or would die. that is stupidity.  What I am saying is we must call for and have a peaceful uprising.  With all the social media available to us, this can be easily accomplished.  First step, Just visit your congressmen and senators sites a simply state ” Stop Promoting Division”, visit MSM sites of all types and do the same thing.  Visit school’ s, religious organizations, representatives party line sites, right wing sites, left wing sites, and all others in-between.

Second step, do the visits again , and simply state “End Party Lines, Vote for the Person, Not the Party”.  Party lines are just another form of distraction, promoting division.  They all want the same thing currently, control over all of us.

We have two choices and two choices only.  We can sit back and do nothing, thereby getting exactly what we deserve for doing nothing.  Or, we can come together as a people of this country, and make a stand.  Making that stand is the only chance we have at getting OUR country back, and back on track.

Understanding Freedom

What Freedom is, and is not!

Let’s start this one by taking a look at the various definitions of ; Freedom, and try to come to some conclusions that make sense.

Definition of: freedom

: the quality or state of being free: such as
a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence
c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous: freedom from care
d : ease, facility: spoke the language with freedom
e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken: answered with freedom
f : improper familiarity
g : boldness of conception or execution
h : unrestricted use: gave him the freedom of their home

a : a political right
b : franchise, privilege

Here is something from a few well known folks that should help you understand how they want you to see freedom.

1. A little something from the last president;
I can see that my choices were never truly mine alone, and that that is how it should be, that to assert otherwise is to chase after a sorry sort of freedom. —Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, (1995) 2004

2. A little excerpt from the Washington Post.
In a healthy society, there is a balance between freedom and authority, and a need for just the right doses of each.
— marc fisher, Washington Post, Baseball will never have another Vin Scully, 29 September 2016

3. An, something from the New York Times.
Those candidates have called the move an unfair impingement on political freedoms.
— austin ramzy and charlotte yang, New York Times, Hong Kong Activists Sentenced, 15 August 2016

I have said many times over the last few decades that “Words are the most powerful weapons in the world”.  Here we have some terrific examples of that power.

Starting with 1 a., (which I find to be the best of those definitions offered), and the word: necessity.  Necessity, which can also be said to be a “Need or Requirement”.  Next, the word: absence, which can also be said to be “A lack of or missing”.  Meaning you can also say that; “freedom has a lack of or missing need or requirement; in choice or action”.

Although this is a falsehood when it comes to real freedom, it defines perfectly the false freedom we live under in today’s world.  Real freedom has both needs and requirements in both choice and action.  Real freedom means you are “required” to think before you make a choice or take action.  Real freedom means you “need” to understand the effects your choice’s and actions will have not only on yourself, but quite possibly many others as well, in all aspects of life.

False freedom, (which we live under from birth til death), would have you believe that you are free because, you get to choose which insurance company you buy your various “required” insurances from.  Real freedom would not require you to buy any insurance unless you choose to do so.  False freedom would have you believe that you free because you can go hunting and fishing, so long as you have the required license.  Real freedom would not require that you have a license to provide food for your family and or yourself.

Let’s go to 2 b., and the word privilege.  “Privilege”, which can also be said to be; “The granting of a benefit”.   How many times have you heard it said ” you live in the greatest country on earth, because you have the privilege of living/being free”.  How many of you have ever stopped to think about what was really said?  They have been throwing it right in your face for decades, and you have failed to recognize it, for what it is.

Look at the definition and open your eyes to what it is they have been, and still are telling you:

Definition of privilege

:  a right or immunity , granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor

The key word here is “granted”, so even if you see it as a right, right here, you can see they are telling you, it is granted by them.  Which means it can also be taken away by them, and it is whenever you do not follow their rules and do what they tell you to do. Ergo, the freedom you think of as being real freedom is in fact a false freedom.

If by now you do not see and understand the false freedom you live under, you most likely never will.  For those of you who do see and understand it, congratulations, you can now begin the long journey of researching how you might regain your real freedom.

Stop The Insanity

It’s One of Those Times!

There are times when all you want to do, is throw your hands in the air and ask, Is there no common sense left in the people of this world?  With all that is going on within the government, these past few months, now is one of those times.
Have the people of this world become so ignorant and full of stupidity that they are willing to continue with rhetoric that is based in non factual information, as of so far? Have they become so ignorant that when they see something they do not like they will attack without reason?
And, there are those who will continue to believe the rhetoric with out ever needing to see any facts and or evidence to support that rhetoric.  Is it any wonder that there is a poll claiming that 48% of the people here want the president impeached?  That is of course if that poll is correct, we should all know that polls can be faked.
My opinion is that; yes, people have lost all common sense.  If that was not the case they would see and know that we are fast approaching complete chaos and tyranny.
The Shadow government/Deep state has made it perfectly clear that they will not give up the complete taking over of this, our country.  They have their puppets yelling out almost everyday accusing the President for this, that, and anything they think might stick, and still calling for impeachment of the president.
Yes, my thoughts are that all those wanting impeachment without any real evidence are puppets of the shadow government.  They are willing to push this country to the brink of civil war, and maybe even actual civil war.  Worse yet, there are those few,
( for the moment ) that are actually pushing for a real civil war.  Complete and total insanity, in my opinion.

What we the people should be calling for is this.

1. The president should write and sign an executive order, ending the Federal Reserve, and put the control of our money back where it belongs.  It belongs in our hands, administered by the Government.  This would thus end the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever perpetrated.

2. As soon as that executive order is signed, he needs to call for the issuance of warrants, or even have them at the ready, for the current owners, and have them all arrested for high crimes against humanity.

3. We the people, or even the president himself should be calling for the impeachment of every elected official who is calling for his impeachment without any solid factual evidence to do so.  They all, are the ones who have committed actual crimes.  By calling for the impeachment of a President without any factual evidence but instead based on speculation and hearsay, they have performed;  abuse of authority, and dereliction of duty.  Such crime’s are punishable under Article 2, Section 4,( the High Crimes and Misdemeanors) of the Constitution.  I am putting my case together and will be sending it in as soon as it is completed.

Folks, I am calling on all of you do make a stand and do the right thing.  We can not allow this abuse of authority/power to continue. It is destroying our country.  We must make it known that we will no longer tolerate it.  I ask that all of you put your own case together and send it in to the D.O.J..  I do not believe we have much time left, and, if we fail to act now, our country might very well be lost to us.

Road to Freedom

The Journey has just begun!

More an more people are coming to the realization that they are in fact enslaved, with no real freedom.

The problem they now face is discovering how best to regain their real freedom. Seems like people still do not understand; that so long as we, (The people), remain in these different factions, (SIDES), we have no real chance of regaining real freedom.

Therein lies the real problem. There is always going to be those who push the factions, (SIDES), just to keep you from seeing the big picture. They want you to concentrate on a single tree, not the whole forest. So long as people allow themselves to be pull into these different factions, they, (The Shadow Government), maintain a firm grip on the control of what happens within all countries and nations, in other words the Government’s of the world.

It is in their best interest to keep people divided, and the more divisions, (factions) , the better. This is the reason you are seeing splinter groups, (factions), forming so fast, just one difference of opinion, an you have a new faction started. This is the reason you are seeing it happen not to just the Left, but also the Right, and all other sides.

People are concentrating on issues that mean little to nothing in the big picture scheme of it all. Until such time that people can see how all these issues are being used within the big picture scheme, we have no chance of ever actually winning back real freedom. At best we may from time to time cause some setbacks to the agenda of the shadow government, thereby delaying their process a little.

Lets take a look at some of these factions. We will start with; The Left, Middle, and Right, 3 factions with supposedly completely different views. Fine, we will go with that being correct. Springing from these 3 factions come all other factions. Factions such as, ( no group names, just issues), wall, no wall; open borders, closed borders; vaccines, no vaccines; chemtrails, no chemtrails; climate change, no climate change; for Trump, against Trump.  There are so many more, but you get the idea.

Virtually all factions have some good points, and some bad points. The problem with virtually all factions is that no two can hardly ever sit down together and hold actual adult conversations, without falling into arguments. Each revels in proving the other wrong instead of each searching for any good that could be applied to both. So much for thinking the people of the world will ever come together in any kind of real unity, other than that of being control and enslaved.

So, you can start to understand that there is no road to freedom without seeing the big picture. The picture so many still refuse to see yet alone believe. That there is and has been a Shadow Government working for decades to come to power as the rulers of the world. Worse yet, most fail to see just how close they are, even now, to fulfilling that desire.

Listening to and reading about how Trump is winning against them, is just so laughable, that it borders on stupidity. The most that is happenimg from what Trump has did so far, is some minor setbacks for them. A 10 to 20 year delay means nothing to their big picture scheme, not when they have been at this for well over a 100 year time frame already.

The only way to actually have a chance of winning, (long term) is to cut the head of the snake off. That means ending all central banks being in the hands of private owners. Starting with the IMF, and Federal Reserve. Then the rest, then and only then can the people of the world have any chance of regaining, and holding on to real freedom. That will be just the beginning of the fight, and it will not be a easy fight at all.

Once that fight is fought, if it is ever fought, we will then be able to start concentrating on the other issues that do in fact matter to us as a people of the world. We can hope that this fight is part of the plan we see being fought!

United We Stand,

Divided we fall.

Not a good thought, the second part.  My thoughts are that if we fall, we fall hard, very hard. Maybe even to a point of no quick recovery, as we have from recession’s and even the depression comparatively speaking.

Thankfully my thoughts are not stuck in that frame as much as it was almost two years ago.  It now seems possible that we might actually have a chance of actually uniting and preventing a disaster from being brought upon ourselves by ourselves.

This awaking that is being talked about seems to actually be happening. Now, if it can happen fast enough, we have a real chance of returning to a Republic. A Nation where our Flag means something once again.

administration american flag country daylight

Photo by Brett Sayles on

I have seen movements come, and movements go, since the early 1980’s. This is the first time that I pray nightly that this movement prevails and succeeds.  Which movement am I talking about, right?  Well, the one that means our country survives, that movement is and can only be called the POTUS movement.

Yes, there are some things happening that I do not agree with, but there is much more happening that I do agree with. Besides the alternative is unthinkable. That’s right we were on the fast track of being turned into a Third world country, and had POTUS”S adversary won the White House, we would have continued that fast track advancement.

One look at what has, and is happening in Venezuela should be more than enough to convince any one with even a small amount of common sense, that we, (here in this Nation), do not want to travel down that road.

Yes, I know and understand that there are those who want that path very much. Hopefully, those of us who do not want it can continue to grow in numbers and strength fast enough to prevent it. Hopefully the Mid-term elections will finally put enough people who also do not want it, into place to stop it in its tracks.

Yes, I am one of those who is pushing conservatives to get out and VOTE this time, it will be the only way we as a nation will continue as a nation that stands for Freedom.  Those who understand history, understand that Socialism has has and always will fail, as it will always bring ruination to Nations that use it as their form of Government. Venezuela should be proof enough of that.

Finally, we are truly at that point, we can once again become a NATION that the rest of the world envies, or we can become another third world country as the Shadow Government wants us to become. The CHOICE is ours, NOT theirs.

John Brennan, The Face of Free Speech?

So, having a Security Clearance removed , means you no longer have free speech?  WOW, this is a new one on me!  When I held a security clearance, is when I had a loss of free speech. That’s right there were  many things I was restricted from speaking about due to having that clearance and being in the know group of that information cleared by that clearance.

Truth be known, holding a security clearance is a restriction on free speech, not the loss of that clearance., that loss gives you back your free speech. Yes, you still have restrictions on being able to talk about the information still under any kind of security clearance, that you may still retain.

But, as many having proven over the past decades, there is and are ways to still get that information out without the open out loud or written knowledge of it coming straight from you.

Seeing as how Brennan, is saying his free speech is being loss, because of the loss of that clearance, is totally, LAUGHABLE.

Enough said, anyone who knows anything about security clearance’s knows that everything he is and has said about his free speech being infringed, knows he is out right lying, or completely foolish. When it comes to him, it could possibly, be both.

Q – So, What is the plan?

“Trust the Plan”!

Perhaps I am being foolish, but I find it hard to trust a plan, when I do not know what that plan actually is. It is about the same as saying have faith that it will all work out in the end.

Okay, there is lots of talk about draining the swamp, bringing down the shadow government, ect, ect..!  This does not mean it is the plan, or even close to the complete plan.  It is basically, so far, just a sharing of information on what is happening, what is about to happen, and what might happen.

Does this mean “Q” is something to be ignored? No, on con tare, “Q’s” have been able to put out lots of great information, and , I, for one hope that it continues, even if the plan can not be revealed.   Does not mean, “I trust the plan”, it does mean, that time will tell if the plan should be trusted.

However, any inroads into cleaning out the corruption in government, (at all levels), is welcome.  For, far to long, we the people have allowed this corruption to grow and consume all that is good. It is a great time in history to see people finally waking up to it, and taking steps to help put a end to it.

This is a time that can change everything if we, (the people), stay the course. Can only hope that this will not be a short lived movement, like so many others I have seen over the years. The one thing that has always been disappointing to me is how these movements start and grow only to peter out before they make any real change.

Yes, I understand that it happens, because people want to see results right away. I have watched patience disappear over the years to a almost non-existent condition. Now, now, now, RIGHT NOW, has become the normal why of thinking for the vast majority of people.

This is the #1 reason evil has advanced so far, they still understand patience. It is not the only reason though. Evil also understands, that the best way to gain ground is to make promises of free this, that, and everything else, in time.

Given enough time, people start to believe in not only getting free stuff, but even entitled to getting free stuff. They stop understanding that nothing is ever free, there is always a cost of some kind. A monatary cost, a energy cost, or (the most important one) a lost of freedom cost. And, we have lost almost all our freedoms, they have almost all been turned into privileges.

“Q” has been awesome in bringing this out into the open for people not only to see, but also start the long road to taking back all that has been lost over the decades. For, that alone, I thank “Q” for all that they are doing to wake people up. I just hope, that this time the people will actually stay the course.

Just remember to have the same patience that evil has and we can truly start the winning process for regaining all that has been lost to us. It will not happen overnight, but if we stay the course it will happen.