Understanding Freedom

What Freedom is, and is not!

Let’s start this one by taking a look at the various definitions of ; Freedom, and try to come to some conclusions that make sense.

Definition of: freedom

: the quality or state of being free: such as
a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence
c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous: freedom from care
d : ease, facility: spoke the language with freedom
e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken: answered with freedom
f : improper familiarity
g : boldness of conception or execution
h : unrestricted use: gave him the freedom of their home

a : a political right
b : franchise, privilege

Here is something from a few well known folks that should help you understand how they want you to see freedom.

1. A little something from the last president;
I can see that my choices were never truly mine alone, and that that is how it should be, that to assert otherwise is to chase after a sorry sort of freedom. —Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, (1995) 2004

2. A little excerpt from the Washington Post.
In a healthy society, there is a balance between freedom and authority, and a need for just the right doses of each.
— marc fisher, Washington Post, Baseball will never have another Vin Scully, 29 September 2016

3. An, something from the New York Times.
Those candidates have called the move an unfair impingement on political freedoms.
— austin ramzy and charlotte yang, New York Times, Hong Kong Activists Sentenced, 15 August 2016

I have said many times over the last few decades that “Words are the most powerful weapons in the world”.  Here we have some terrific examples of that power.

Starting with 1 a., (which I find to be the best of those definitions offered), and the word: necessity.  Necessity, which can also be said to be a “Need or Requirement”.  Next, the word: absence, which can also be said to be “A lack of or missing”.  Meaning you can also say that; “freedom has a lack of or missing need or requirement; in choice or action”.

Although this is a falsehood when it comes to real freedom, it defines perfectly the false freedom we live under in today’s world.  Real freedom has both needs and requirements in both choice and action.  Real freedom means you are “required” to think before you make a choice or take action.  Real freedom means you “need” to understand the effects your choice’s and actions will have not only on yourself, but quite possibly many others as well, in all aspects of life.

False freedom, (which we live under from birth til death), would have you believe that you are free because, you get to choose which insurance company you buy your various “required” insurances from.  Real freedom would not require you to buy any insurance unless you choose to do so.  False freedom would have you believe that you free because you can go hunting and fishing, so long as you have the required license.  Real freedom would not require that you have a license to provide food for your family and or yourself.

Let’s go to 2 b., and the word privilege.  “Privilege”, which can also be said to be; “The granting of a benefit”.   How many times have you heard it said ” you live in the greatest country on earth, because you have the privilege of living/being free”.  How many of you have ever stopped to think about what was really said?  They have been throwing it right in your face for decades, and you have failed to recognize it, for what it is.

Look at the definition and open your eyes to what it is they have been, and still are telling you:

Definition of privilege

:  a right or immunity , granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor

The key word here is “granted”, so even if you see it as a right, right here, you can see they are telling you, it is granted by them.  Which means it can also be taken away by them, and it is whenever you do not follow their rules and do what they tell you to do. Ergo, the freedom you think of as being real freedom is in fact a false freedom.

If by now you do not see and understand the false freedom you live under, you most likely never will.  For those of you who do see and understand it, congratulations, you can now begin the long journey of researching how you might regain your real freedom.

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